Zusammengetragen aus diversen Quellen.

Aktualisiert am 1.8.16 von Carola Pantenburg

Diese Seite steht für unsere Abonnenten als Word-Dokument im geschützten Extranet bereit:

Note: [NEW] denotes a new keyboard shortcut introduced in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update.


Shortcut Description
Windows Key Öffnet das Startmenü
+1, +2, etc. Switch to the desktop and launch the nth application in the taskbar. For example, +1 launches whichever application is first in the list, numbered from left to right.
+A Open the action center.

Öffnet das Info-Center

+B Highlight the notification area.
+C Launch Cortana into listening mode.[1] Users can begin to speak to Cortana immediately
+D Switch between Show Desktop (hides/shows any applications and other windows) and the previous state.

Wechselt zum Desktop

+E Switch to the desktop and launch File Explorer with the Quick Access tab displayed.

Startet den Windows Explorer

+F Opens the Feedback Hub with a screenshot attached to your feedback.
+H Open the Share  charm.

Öffnet das Teilen-Menü, beispielsweise um einen Screenshot des Desktops zu versenden.

+I Open the Settings  app.

Öffnet das Einstellungsmenü

+K Open the Connect pane to connect to wireless displays and audio devices.
+L Lock the device and go to the Lock screen.

Sperrt das System

+M Switch to the desktop and minimize all open windows.
+O Lock device orientation.
+P Open the Project pane to search and connect to external displays and projectors.
+R Display the Run dialog box.
+S Launch Cortana.[2] Users can begin to type a query immediately.

Search for apps and files. Just type the app name (partially) or executable name (if you know it) and press Enter. Or Ctrl + Shift+ Enter if you need this elevated.

+T Cycle through the apps on the taskbar.
+U Launch the Ease of Access Center.

Öffnet das Center für die erleichterte Bedienung (Bildschirmlupe, Bildschirmtastatur, hoher Kontrast etc.)

+V Cycle through notifications.
+X Open the advanced menu in the lower-left corner of the screen.
+X+A Opens Command Prompt with administrative rights.
+X+M Opens Device Manager.
+X+P Opens Control Panel.
+X+U then S Puts your PC to sleep.
+Z Open the app-specific command bar.
+ENTER Launch Narrator.

Startet die Sprachausgabe.

+SPACEBAR Switch input language and keyboard layout.
+TAB Open Task view.

Alle virtuellen Desktops werden in der Übersicht angezeigt.

+ , Peek at the desktop.
+Plus Sign Zoom in.

Bildschirmlupe (wird mit Windows + ESC beendet)

+Minus Sign Zoom out.

Bildschirmlupe (wird mit Windows + ESC beendet)

+ESCAPE Close Magnifier.
+LEFT ARROW Dock the active window to the left half of the monitor.
+RIGHT ARROW Dock the active window to the right half of the monitor.
+UP ARROW Maximize the active window vertically and horizontally.
+DOWN ARROW Restore or minimize the active window.
+ALT +D  [NEW] Opens date and time flyout on the taskbar.
+ALT +R Start/stop recording your apps & games.
+SHIFT +<number> Opens a new window of whatever icon (app) is in that position on the taskbar (as will Shift + Click on the icon).
+SHIFT +CTRL +<number> Opens a new window of whatever icon (app) is in that position on the taskbar with administrative rights.
+SHIFT +C [NEW] Opens Cortana to listen to an inquiry.
+SHIFT+UP ARROW Maximize the active window vertically, maintaining the current width.
Restore or minimize the active window vertically, maintaining the current width.
+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW With multiple monitors, move the active window to the monitor on the left.
+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW With multiple monitors, move the active window to the monitor on the right.
+HOME Minimize all nonactive windows; restore on second keystroke.
+PRNT SCRN Take a picture of the screen and place it in the Computer>Pictures>Screenshots folder.
+CTRL+LEFT/RIGHT arrow Switch to the next or previous virtual desktop.
+CTRL+D Create a new virtual desktop.

Ein neuer virtueller Desktop wird angelegt

+CTRL+F4 Close the current virtual desktop.

Schließt einen virtuellen Desktop

+? Launch the Windows Feedback App.

Generelle Kürzel

Quick access to basic system functions:

  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Opens Task Manager.

Capturing what’s on your screen:

  • Alt + PrtScrn: Takes a screenshot of open window and copies to your clipboard.

Mastering File Explorer:

  • Alt + D in File Explorer or browser: Puts you in the address bar.
  • F2 on a file: Renames the file.
  • Shift + Right-click in File Explorer: Will give you option to launch Command Prompt with whatever folder you are in as the starting path.
  • Shift + Right-click on a file: “Copy as path” is added to the context menu.

Remote Desktop and Virtual Desktop:

  • CTRL + ALT + Left Arrow: VM change keyboard focus back to host.
  • CTRL + ALT + HOME: Remote Desktop change keyboard focus back to host.

For example, in a VM, CTRL + ALT + Left Arrow then ALT + TAB lets you get focus back and switch to an app on your dev machine besides the VM.

Other neat keyboard shortcuts:

  • Alt + X in WordPad: Using on a selected character or word in WordPad will show/hides the Unicode.
  • Alt + Y on a UAC prompt: Automatically chooses yes and dismisses the prompt.
  • Ctrl + mouse scroll-wheel: Scrolling will zoom and un-zoom many things across the OS. Middle clicking on the mouse scroll-wheel will dismiss tabs, open windows in taskbar, and notifications from the Action Center (new).
  • Shift + F10: Will open the context menu for whatever is in focus.

Surface Device Tastaturkürzel

Here are some useful keyboard shortcuts on Surface devices:

  • Fn + Left arrow: Home
  • Fn + Right arrow: End
  • Fn + Up arrow: Page Up
  • Fn + Down arrow: Page Down
  • Fn + Del: Increases screen brightness.
  • Fn + Backspace: Decreases screen brightness.
  • Fn + Spacebar: Takes a screenshot of the entire screen or screens and puts it into your clipboard.
  • Fn + Alt + Spacebar: Takes a screenshot of an active window and puts it into your clipboard.

For more keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10 – click here.

Know of other lesser-known shortcuts that are not in the list above? Let us know.


[1] If Cortana is unavailable or disabled, this shortcut has no function.

[2] Cortana is only available in certain countries/regions, and some Cortana features might not be available everywhere. If Cortana is unavailable or disabled, this command opens Search.